Why do churches take meals together? Read on...
How do our church buildings nurture and encourage healthy relationships? Are their environments conducive to healthy social interaction? Read on...
Does the entry point to your church encourage such open greeting and hospitality? Read on...
Lets consider the analogies between the homes that we live in and the buildings that we gather as church within. Read on...
Is the core business of the Church enabled by its buildings? Read on...
The Church can be considered like a world wide retail chain. What can we learn? Read on...
How formidable is our church building's threshold? Why would a stranger cross it and how can we offer an invitation to do so? Take a look at this week's blog.
Some heritage and 20th-century churches are in locations that would be sought after by severalretail chains. Could this be better leveraged for the church’s core business? Take a look at thisweek’s blog.
How are we experienced by the visitor? Read on...
Here we conclude our discussions about New vs Heritage buildings as a base for Church. Read on...