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9. 21stC Church: 4 of 4 Wise Stewards

The fourth in our series of comparisons between new and heritage buildings. Being wise stewards of the Church's property. Read on...

8. 21stC Church: 3 of 4 Offering Hospitality

The third in our series of comparisons between new and heritage buildings. How do we make that welcoming first impression? Read on..

7. 21stC Church: 2 of 4. Encouraging Relationships

The second in our series of comparisons between new or heritage buildings. At St Aldates Oxford, the character of the heritage walls and roof have been made more apparent with lighting and paint, while the fully accessible new level floor is on

6. 21stC Church: Better in New or Heritage Building? 1 of 4

What serves the needs of a 21st century church better, a new building or a heritage building?  Do you have a heritage building that is inflexible and a costly liability to maintain, or perhaps you have a modern church centre that is bland and uninspiring? The public image of...

5. Mission Enabled: Hospitality

Crossway Baptist foyer cafe
What does it mean for a church to be hospitable?  Apart from a warm welcome from members upon entry, the facilities can facilitate hospitality. Read on...

4. Seven Mistakes And How To Avoid Them

Here are seven key areas where your Architect can help you with your buildings. Follow link for more.

3. Development & Mission

3D view of Melbourne Church & Development
Churches in the city have seen development occurring around them. Sometimes the church owns land itself that has become much more valuable and can be or has been sold off to raise funds. This may seem to be in contrast to the original church members that gave sacrificially to purchase......

2. Property Barriers to the Church's Mission

New glazed entry to 1950's church
There are many ways in which the church's property can act against its mission. As members familiar with our own church buildings, we may not see them as others do, but their impact can be significant. By understanding them we can fix them next time we change our buildings. Here are a...

1b. Funding Changes To Church Property

The church as a whole has an amazing legacy of buildings, many of which have been inherited from previous generations that funded their construction with sacrificial giving. This was a society that was on average poorer than today but had been encouraged to commit financially to...

1a. Leading Change in Church Buildings

Almost everybody sits in the same place when they come to church. There is something comfortable about the familiar. Yet, in the cinema or in a theatre seats are often allocated; the choice is limited and we are in unfamiliar territory. It is here that we are often confronted by...


Recent posts

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  • 69. Managing Risk. Architect Innovator Series
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  • 66. Get Out In The Rain
  • 65. Clients Guide to Architecture: Full Booklet
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  • 61. Client's Guide 6. Construction Documentation - the nitty gritty.
  • 60. Client's Guide 5. Town Planning - the key permit.
  • 59. Client's Guide. 4. Design Development - flesh on the bones.
  • 58. Client's Guide 3. Concept Design - developing the basic idea.
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  • 54: Anatomy of a Building Project
  • 53: Now Might Be The Best Time To Build
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  • 51: How Keep Your Church Cool in Summer
  • 50. Reality Check
  • 49. Building more Wells
  • 48. Changing Heritage Buildings and The Too Hard Basket
  • 47. Innovation in Church Kitchens.
  • 46. Looking Up
  • B:logs 34 - 45. Church Property Discussion Resources
  • 33. Index to 32 Blogs.
  • 32. Enabling Development - Do We Still Need Fundraising?
  • 31. Enabling Development - How Can We Be Responsible?
  • 30. Enabling Development - What Happens If You Ignore the Opportunity?
  • 29.Enabling Development - What Can it Enable?
  • 28. Enabling Development - What Is It?
  • 27. Mission and Buildings - Being a Good Client
  • 26. Mission and Buildings - Selecting a Building Contractor
  • 25. Mission and Buildings - Development Agreements
  • 24. Buildings and Mission - Obtaining Approvals
  • 23. Buildings - Where Next in the Process?
  • 22. Buildings - Where to Start?
  • 21. House Analogies - Resting and Nurturing
  • 20. House Analogies - The Study and the Shed
  • 19. House Analogies - Taking Meals Together
  • 18. House Analogies - Relationships and Socialising
  • 17. House analogies - Welcome and Presentation
  • 16: House Analogies - Intro
  • 15: Core Business v Buildings
  • 14. Retal Analogies: The Largest Chain with The Gospel as its product
  • 13. Retail Analogies: Managing the Threshhold
  • 12. Retail Analogies: High Street Locations
  • 11. Retail Analogies: The Church in the Street
  • 10. 21stC Church: Epilogue
  • 9. 21stC Church: 4 of 4 Wise Stewards
  • 8. 21stC Church: 3 of 4 Offering Hospitality
  • 7. 21stC Church: 2 of 4. Encouraging Relationships
  • 6. 21stC Church: Better in New or Heritage Building? 1 of 4
  • 5. Mission Enabled: Hospitality
  • 4. Seven Mistakes And How To Avoid Them
  • 3. Development & Mission
  • 2. Property Barriers to the Church's Mission
  • 1b. Funding Changes To Church Property
  • 1a. Leading Change in Church Buildings
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